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with john yorke

2-day Online Programe
7th and 8th May, 2025   

A two-day programme taking a detailed look at how skilled Dialogue can massively enhance your story and script

Over 4 x 90 minute sessions we will examine not only the key principles of good Dialogue, but also how the best stories communicate information
By concentrating on subtext, exposition and symbolism you will leave with a clear understanding of how information is communicated, both aurally and otherwise. Also, how Dialogue, used badly, can completely destroy a story, but used well, can transform your work

With numerous examples from film and television and a number of practical exercises, John Yorke builds on his popular and successful MediaXchange courses – Storytelling for Scripted TV,  Advanced Structure an Developing a Series, to bring a brand new series of lectures to the table 



The Golden Rules of Dialogue
What works, what doesn’t and why

Exposition and Symbolism
Imparting information verbally and non-verbally. Bad exposition can destroy your script, good exposition can transform it.  What are the rules that govern its use and when you should avoid using dialogue at all

The Art of Subtext
How to convey the true meaning of story – the story underneath the words

Review, case studies and final exercise

Who is this for?
Writers, Script Editors, Story Editors, Development Executives,
Executive Producers, Commissioners

7th & 8th May, 2025

11am – 12:30pm BST
3:30pm – 5pm BST 
All times shown are UK Time Zones

Standard Fee:
£300 (plus VAT if applicable)


Please review our Terms and Conditions, which includes advice about our Data Protection and Privacy Policy.

For more details contact: [email protected]

All Online Programmes will be conducted in English

“This is a marvellous analysis of screenwriting and, with any luck, should help a great many people achieve their dreams

Julian Fellowes


“Probably the most accessible, inspiring take on story that I’ve attended.  We came home with a clearer and deeper understanding of our work, and with a common set of vocabulary, which is key to good teamwork.”



Companies that have participated:
In light of continually expanding opportunities provided by the international markets, please contact us to review your corporate interests and projects for coproduction to build business and creative strategies to expand your international presence